Noam Chomsky, the distinguished American philosopher, political activist and professor emeritus of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), has compiled a list of the ten most powerful and efficacious strategies used by “masters of the world” to establish a manipulation of the population through the media.
The strategies are so well-elaborated that even the countries with the best educational systems, succumb to the power and terror of those mafias. Many things are reported in the news but few are explained.
The journalistic tendency to balance stories with two opposing views leads to a tendency to ‘build stories around a confrontation between protagonists and antagonists’ (Ricci 1993: 95). Issues such as garbage and sewage sludge only get coverage, despite their importance, when there is a fight over the siting of a landfill or incinerator and the coverage is then on the ‘anger and anguish of affected citizens, or the conflicting claims of corporate spokesmen, government regulators and environmental activists’ rather than the issues and technical background to them (Gersh 1992: 16).
The job of media is not to inform, but to misinform: Divert public attention from important issues and changes decided by the political and economic elites, by the technique of flood or continuous flood of distractions and insignificant information.
Journalists who have access to highly placed government and corporate sources have to keep them on their side by not reporting anything adverse about them or their organizations. Otherwise they risk losing them as sources of information. In return for this loyalty, their sources occasionally give them good stories, leaks and access to special interviews. Unofficial information, or leaks, give the impression of investigative journalism, but are often strategic manoeuvres on the part of those with position or power (Ricci 1993: 99). ‘It is a bitter irony of source journalism … that the most esteemed journalists are precisely the most servile. For it is by making themselves useful to the powerful that they gain access to the “best” sources’ (quoted in Lee and Solomon 1990: 18).
The 10 Strategies:
1. The strategy of distraction
The primary element of social control is the strategy of distraction which is to divert public attention from important issues and changes determined by the political and economic elites, by the technique of flood or flooding continuous distractions and insignificant information.
Distraction strategy is also essential to prevent the public interest in the essential knowledge in the area of the science, economics, psychology, neurobiology and cybernetics.
“Maintaining public attention diverted away from the real social problems, captivated by matters of no real importance. Keep the public busy, busy, busy, no time to think, back to farm and other animals” (quote from text Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars).
2. Create problems, then offer solutions
This method is also called “problem -reaction- solution.”
It creates a problem, a “situation” referred to cause some reaction in the audience, so this is the principal of the steps that you want to accept.
For example: let it unfold and intensify urban violence, or arrange for bloody attacks in order that the public is the applicant’s security laws and policies to the detriment of freedom.
Or create an economic crisis to accept as a necessary evil retreat of social rights and the dismantling of public services.
3. The gradual strategy
Acceptance to an unacceptable degree, just apply it gradually, dropper, for consecutive years.
That is how they radically new socioeconomic conditions (neoliberalism) were imposed during the 1980s and 1990s:
• the minimal state
• privatization
• precariousness
• flexibility
• massive unemployment
• wages
• do not guarantee a decent income, many changes that have brought about a revolution if they had been applied once.
4. The strategy of deferring
Another way to accept an unpopular decision is to present it as “painful and necessary”, gaining public acceptance, at the time for future application.
It is easier to accept that a future sacrifice of immediate slaughter.
• First, because the effort is not used immediately
• Then, because the public, masses, is always the tendency to expect naively that “everything will be better tomorrow” and that the sacrifice required may be avoided
This gives the public more time to get used to the idea of change and accept it with resignation when the time comes.
5. Go to the public as a little child
Most of the advertising to the general public uses speech, argument, people and particularly children’s intonation, often close to the weakness, as if the viewer were a little child or a mentally deficient.
The harder one tries to deceive the viewer look, the more it tends to adopt a tone infantilizing.
“If one goes to a person as if she had the age of 12 years or less, then, because of suggestion, she tends with a certain probability that a response or reaction also devoid of a critical sense as a person 12 years or younger.” (see Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars)
6. Use the emotional side more than the reflection
Making use of the emotional aspect is a classic technique for causing a short circuit on rational analysis, and finally to the critical sense of the individual.
Furthermore, the use of emotional register to open the door to the unconscious for implantation or grafting ideas , desires, fears and anxieties , compulsions, or induce behaviors …
7. Keep the public in ignorance and mediocrity
Making the public incapable of understanding the technologies and methods used to control and enslavement.
“The quality of education given to the lower social classes must be the poor and mediocre as possible so that the gap of ignorance it plans among the lower classes and upper classes is and remains impossible to attain for the lower classes.” (See Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars).
8. To encourage the public to be complacent with mediocrity
Promote the public to believe that the fact is fashionable to be stupid, vulgar and uneducated…
9. Self-blame Strengthen
To let individual blame for their misfortune, because of the failure of their intelligence, their abilities, or their efforts.
So, instead of rebelling against the economic system, the individual auto-devaluate and guilt himself, which creates a depression, one of whose effects is to inhibit its action.
And, without action, there is no revolution!
10. Getting to know the individuals better than they know themselves
Over the past 50 years, advances of accelerated science has generated a growing gap between public knowledge and those owned and operated by dominant elites.
Thanks to biology, neurobiology and applied psychology, the “system” has enjoyed a sophisticated understanding of human beings, both physically and psychologically.
The system has gotten better acquainted with the common man more than he knows himself.
This means that, in most cases, the system exerts greater control and great power over individuals, greater than that of individuals about themselves.
Article written by Sylvain Timsit, collected in Pressenza: “TOP 10 MEDIA MANIPULATION STRATEGIES. Paris. September 21, 2010. The article is derived from:
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars. This document dated May 1979, was found on July 7, 1986 in an IBM copier bought at an auction of military equipment. Negligence or intentional leak, this text has been in possession of the secret services of the U.S. Navy. For safety reasons, the document does not include the signature of the organization where it came from. But information and dates clippings left believing that these Bilderberg Group, a " discussion club " that meets the extremely powerful worlds of finance, economics, politics, the armed forces and services secrets. Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars was published as an appendix to the book "Behold A Pale Horse" by William Cooper, Light Technology Publishing, 1991.
Gersh, D. 1992, ‘Covering solid waste issues.’ Editor & Publisher 125(29 August): 15-6.
Lee, M.A., and N. Solomon 1990. Unreliable Sources: A guide to detecting bias in news media. New York: Carol Publishing Group.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 406 Newer› Newest»Excellent article. Haven't these strategies been in existence for a very long time? Most of them were developed during the sustained European colonialism of over 500 years and refined through the hapless participation of their conquered subjects. Yes, modern technological advances have enabled these strategies to be put in place with much more widespread impact. Though it would seem that some of the world is waking up from their prolongrd sleep!!
So the question becomes, what are the strategies and tactics that We The People can use to counteract these media manipulation strategies, not just for ourselves, but for society at large? If we try to use these same weapons for our own ends, all we do is add to the flood of information that supports the mass distraction of manipulation strategy #1.
This is unreadable. Is that another tactic?
Wow! Love the descriptions, but am amazed at the low quality of grammar and readability here -- what's up with that?
well I found many typos some very misleading and actually changing the intent of the point being made...did any one else notice this...
Same, Diana and Anonymous - I agree.
Poor grammar and sentence structure and obviously customized to illicit an emotional response. Hypocritically employing one of the 10 "strategies" to embolden it's agenda – kind of ironic really. I agree with Noam Chomsky's perspective entirely, however I'm not so sure about this presentation. Please proof read your articles next time. You make all of us conspiracy theorists look like fools. To win this argument we need to shoot infallible ammunition honed to perfection, not blanks. At least when they burn us at the stake we can die with the knowledge we won. :) Thanks - David
It's obvious to me that the blogger is not a native English speaker, but major props for this post nonetheless. No need to read too much into the poor English and typos or gets its point across clearly enough for me :)
WTF are you all actually looking over the article or are you just here to criticize the message? It is what is happening and you can read it (there are many mistakes and the person that wrote it really should have had it proof read. Still the message is there). This is how we are controlled and manipulated over and over. You can sit back and think about ANY big issue, war, law, well anything that has been done here in the past 30 yrs that does not have one of these tags on it.
#5 is grammatically challenged. I'm certain Professor Chomsky didn't say this. Please fix.
#2, #5, # 8---all are ignorantly garbled. Please do Professor Chomsky the courtesy of fixing the grammar/ usage problems that this presentation has so egregiously committed.
As much of a Chomsky fan as I am, I can't any longer endure this over-broad, paranoia-tinged attack on a non-existent monolith. There is no such thing as "media" as a single entity. Especially in 2011. Ascribing motives and malice to "media" is like blaming highways for accidents.
A: I don't really care about the grammar if your trying to read in to a subliminal
message from it I think your wasting your time.
B: If Chomsky TRUELY believes that every news outlet be it television/radio/internet is
secret conspiring to brainwash us because a small group of powerful overlords is
controlling them then you have question his credibility. The media is too diversified
for that. They have also brought down presidents, dictators, high ranking religious
figures and massive businesses. Can someone tell me a specific thing the media
won't cover. I would love to know because my mom has been a journalist for
decades and i have never seen her shy away from any topic.
C: I have to laugh at #5. Sorry but the reason many people in the media talk to us like
were small stupid children is because this country has a LOT of stupid people in it
who don't bother to fact check anything. How the hell do you think fox has been so
successful over the years. This culture we live in does NOT value thinking. A
perfect example of this is an old Simpson's episode where Bart is trying to help
rebuild Crusty the clowns shattered ego. He tells Crusty that he is more respected
than all of the scientists in the world combined. BTW #5 has been used since public
speaking was first invented 1000s of years ago.
Anyhow thats y 2 cents.
Perhaps this is a clever piece of performance art, being that one of the manipulative tools mentioned is how to create a distraction away from what's really happening - then a large number of responses are about the grammar and spelling more than the content.
When someone speaks of media manipulation, they can mean both manipulation by the media and manipulation OF the media (by business lobbies/politicians/self-serving interest groups etc.) Manipulation of the media does not require that every last media source goes along with it. It comes down to which media outlets are given cultural authority, and by whom and for what reason. It's never a simple matter of taking sides.
This is unreadable. Fix grammar please, I want to know what is being said but the english is so bad that I can't decipher it.
excelnt gramer end punctuation mane!
I likes me some brainwarrshing much, yessumm.
mE has a lower sociooeekoncmic education, me like Chomskyyky.
the 10ers are so treue to the "T".
your average white fat amerikan repubblikkkan.
Does anyone know source where the reference, {Excerpt from "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" } the blogger keeps referring to? I looked at Noam Chomsky's list of authored books and can't find this.
I noticed the unreadability and poor grammatical structure that many of you mention as well. I believe this piece may have been translated from another language and some of the translations make it garbled. I get the point though, and Noam Chomsky rocks!
This isn't Chomsky.
yes, it's a shame the work is so poorly translated/paraphrased -- it completely undermines the expectation of linguistic elegance one would have for work by Noam Chomsky. It also fails to cite really obvious examples he himself has mentioned in making some of these points -- for example, the biggest distraction for the American public tends to be PROFESSIONAL SPORTS. The average person knows far more about the minutiae of meaningless games than he or she knows of the most basic elements of the civics and governmental policies that run their daily lives.
11: Bribe the Supreme Court to rule that "Corporations are people" and that "Money is speech."
If this was written by a non-native English speaker, who is attempting to communicate valuable insights into the uses of public media, I commend him/her for the effort. How many of those who commented would be able to translate a philosophical work on a par with Chomsky's into a foreign language? And yes, it is easier to focus on the grammar rather than the content.
I agree with the one guy above...very poorly written article...get someone to translate into proper English, next time, then, maybe I could read the whole thing. People manipulate the media all the time, not just governments or companies...we always say don't believe your own press releases. For this article, I'd say don't read your own press releases.
P.S. The question is why would someone from another country have to translate this article into another language and back again. Is that some sort of manipulation, too?
anonymous, if you can say it better do or stfu
I must add my voice to the call for some proofreading here. Chomsky is one of the world's leading linguists, so it is a shame to see his words mashed up so badly together. In some cases the logic of the sentence expresses the complete opposite of what (I presume) is intended.
I'm sick of being told how to think by conspirisists. I know how to interpret my 'media'. God help the world if they get in power.
Excellent article. It is true that the ruling elites throughout the world always divert the attention of the people from the real problem.
I don't know who wrote this, but it wasn't Chomsky. Maybe some of the ideas, but it is unreadable and sounds as if badly translated by a non-english speaker. Strange indeed.
Proofread your article before you put it on the web.
I noticed the grammatical errors as well. It reminds me of another point that Chomsky made in Manufacturing Consent: That the economic elite will try their best to discredit intellectuals who point out these manipulations in the economic system, poo-pooing their ideas and labeling them 'conspiracy theorists' and not allowing them enough time to sufficiently develop and explain their points (in radio or television interviews, for example). The process of discrediting people who work to expose injustices and manipulations is all part of the process as well.
And I'm sorry to say that the author of this article does a very good job of discrediting himself as well as Chomsky's ideas by not presenting these points clearly.
yes, it is definetly not chomsky. besides of the language being used these strategies belong clearly to the critical thinking amongst conspiracytheorists. it was not a clever decision that this author took chomski as a billboard in this article. for it is spreading false notions and will backlash on the conspiracy-awareness unnescesarely.
I think the sad fact is that most people don't care about the news. If you want to make it have a mass-market appeal you have to dumb it down. I can see why Chomsky thinks there is an "agenda": he is a weirdo academic that studies this stuff all day and is up on the latest issue. As someone who branched over from academia to PR I can only say that people working in media are more bound to deadlines and relevant story angles for that month, and most certainly have a background in critical thought and are well-intentioned.
It is easy to treat media as evil when you objectify it as the big evil machine, but when you start going up the labour-chain, no one person is evil or carrying out these orders. This is why big news is being challenged by blogs: people are only interested in the issues they seem worthy. Big media was never suppose to be that personalized. We don't need to see it as manipulation when the media sucks at their job.
Is this not an individual compilation and subtle distortion of Chomsky's work? Is English the first language of the writer? I would suggest at least a quick edit of your work by another writer before posting. It would really improve the readability and I think that you would get a better response.
@ trisha: the main thing is that the information is distorted. why? because chomsky never made such a paricular list. and the language just indicates very clearly that chomsky is not involved in this list nor the idea of such a list. and to me the whole idea in conspiracy-thinking is: recognizing the distortion in information.
"Naturally, the common people don't want war, but after all, it is the leaders of a country who determine policy. It is always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it is a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. This is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country."
Hermann Goering Hitler's Reich-Marshall at the Nuremberg trials after WW II
what bothers me the most is that by publishing this article, the international coalition has fallen into spreading distorted info. maybe well intended but thats just not good enough, at all. and the media indeed not only sucks it is being manipulated and manipulative at the same time. example: there is a black-out in the european media on ron paul in their gop-coverage.
The great correction begins.
These tactics and many others have been around and was studied by many.
I would be impressed if Chomsky presented a way to fight back.
It is not impossible.
Ana said... These tactics and many others have been around and was studied by many.
I would be impressed if Chomsky presented a way to fight back.
It is not easy to get to know yourself. But we can try. By listening to oneself. It takes a little effort and some courage, but then we can be proud of us because we are thus more responsive to others.
somebody commented that some of theese metods were developed "during the sustained European colonialism of over 500 years"
I would say that they were developed much earlier, in the dark ages, by the Catolic church for mass control of the people, and the roots of that are even earlier in the Roman Empire.
These are the tools of Imperialism and surely extend back to the first Dynasties in China and Egypt, over 5,000 years ago. 2,500 years ago Erastothenes showed that the world was a sphere and therefore finite. This proves that WEALTH = POVERTY. Any fortune is balanced by equal misery, and the world today has more poverty than any previous time in history. There is one more rule - create a hierarchy so those in the middle support those on the top. Anyone with a job in the United States IS STILL THE MIDDLE, receiving more than their share of world-wide consumption.
Media Manipulation Strategy Number 12 (ie:, the Dr.Goebbels' method): Repeat a lie often, and couch the lie as unwavering truth.
That's Fox News/RNC media's operating modus operandi. We've seen how well --both in the 1930's and today-- this strategy works for those who aren't curious enough to question media's ulterior motives .
It is the law that convolutes the truth by presenting many truths to divert the one absolute truth. It is the multiplicity of lawyers and laws that make it possible, and the investment of big money that perpetuates this cycle. To confuse the populace and make them doubt the resolve of the ethical path and to reenforce this diversion with the fear of ones own loss if they are to per-sue that end.
americans you dont even speak queens english you speak englis but spell american ur country sucks if i was yous ide get out while you can...
I read this text in portuguese...A few years ago.
Great Article! Very Educational! There are hundreds, if not thousands, of examples of media manipulation in Northern Ireland and other conflict zones. However, this type of manipulation goes on in every country every day and is used to sway your decisions and opinions.
It is time to program your own mind and stop other people doing it for you. Would you like to break free from media manipulation which also programs people to "buy into" the belief that it is hard to be successful and reach your goals?
I doubt Chomsky wrote this - the grammar sucks and Chomsky is an excellent writer.
Disagreement is racism, even if both parties are of the same race!
Remember the movie " the Watchman" perfect example of how the media is used to distract the public from real social problems with issues of no importance.
The nuclear war in the movie was covered up by a fake Alien invasion" the result ended the war but I'm not so sure that the US's story will be the same in regards to the deficit and congress's inability to maintain a country free of Government interference."
i'm portuguese and i can understand the all text, if U don't understand or if U don't get the point maybe U need to think more and check out what is happening around U because the problem is not in the words, the problem is what they mean
I agree this was not written by Chomsky however the content in this article is spot on.
Please get your english skills sorted, before attempting to write a scholarly take on a very important subject. I agree with the rest of the readers on most accounts.
The article and info are great, but maybe needs a little editing to make it easier to read. It seems as if maybe the person who wrote it speaks English as a second language. If I can make some time later, I'll revise it and send it to the author,(if I can find their contact info), so that they can maybe post the corrected version. Hopefully, they won't be offended.
Can I add to the call;
a)to have the article presented in the language it originated from so that a better translation can be made?
or b)sort the grammar out.
c) please supply source references.
This is not Chomsky's work. Maybe some inspiration but sounds more like a David Icke fan
Yes, grammar and spelling and editing is awful in this article. The sense of what is being stated is completely lost in many instances. You guys have made one of the most intelligent men on the planet seem incoherent. Is The International Coalition trying to screw up the presentation of Chomsky's views? I.e., are you the media enemy he describes?
Very good article, despite the readability :)
Seems to come from which took it from which I suspect, just make it up. Eh... Here an article in french, that the author have ask to Chomsky if it was true, and reply no: The real author would be: Sylvain Timsit see:
Would have been a good read, but as mentioned by others, the English is really problematic. I would respectfully suggest you might wish to get some help editing.
My take is that this article was translated not by a human but by a program, with no edit oversight.
"...the minimal state, privatization, precariousness, flexibility, mass unemployment, which is insufficient to pay decent tickets, so many changes that caused a revolution would be had been implemented at once."
There seems to a major malfunction in your language. If these truly are Chomsky's thoughts, you've done them, and yourself, a terrible disservice.
#11 Claim that Chomsky wrote something, fail to provide links, then just post some BS you made up, in such horrible English that no sense can be made of it. Brilliant!
This has been so badly written that it's almost unreadable. The poor grammar means that parts of it do not make sense. It's such a shame as it means The International Coalition loses credibility and is a bad reflection on Noam Chomsky.
Unfortunately, the grammar and odd syntax are actually making it difficult to discern meaning in many places. Not trying to be hyper-critical, like someone already said, it's fairly obvious the writer is a non-native English speaker. That's fine and props for posting, but if there is perhaps a link to a different version it might be helpful to share it.
Agree or disagree with this list, it is entirely unethical to attribute it to Noam Chomsky. #1, #5, and #7 do contain short quotes from his work, but this interpretation represents a very different view of how media and propaganda function.
Anyone interested in Professor Chomsky's ideas should read his actual works, such as Manufacturing Consent (with E. Herman.) His ideas are much more subtle and much less conspiracy-theory laden than this "Top 10" List. The very format of a top-10 list is so antithetical to Chomsky's style-- I'm sure he's quite unhappy this is attributed to him!
well - i am pretty smart, speak english well enough to get my point across and agree that the media ( at the behest of whom - advertisers and owners? - who are big money) manipulates the masses for their own purposes - more of us vote for American Idol than for President or Congress - I did not get anything but the main point of the article - which is media manipulates - because i could make no sense of the chosen words - bottom line - use your brain - use critical thinking and if all of the news is talking about is who won american idol or what is going on in the world of shopping - figure there ARE other things going on which are not being reported. If you want people to actually get the message - you have to write in a way that most readers can understand what it is you are trying to say. I flunk on reading comprehension in this case - except for the most basic message - media manipulates (duh, they exist to generate money, not to give you the news) so - where is the news here and what is the point?
This article was poorly written. My old English professor would throw a fit. This site desperately needs some editors.
Although I do agree that these are effective tactics used by TPTB for manipulating the public, unfortunately this blog's author is wrong on so many accounts: 1. the source is not correct (see the link below) 2. the English is prohibitively garbled.
Does this sound sound like the truth or not? That's the only question worth asking. I think it does, why not? Subliminal advertising in both video and audio formats goes on so much people don't even notice it or are so frightened by it don't want to admit it to themselves let alone each other. I find that so odd, because it's the only way to reduce it's impact on the self, by recognizing it, it loses it's power. If you battle ignorance, fanaticism, terrany in your self you can then begin to fight it outwardly.
Terrible grammar. Discredits the writer. If you're going to align yourself with an intellectual like Chomsky and disseminate his ideas, at least bother to make your piece look like sub-literate chimp-keyboard pounding.
You would all be best not worring abut the grammar and errors. Just pay attention to the message. Part of being a good communicator is listening and knowing how to receive, even when there are errors, and there almost always will be errors. All of this complaining makes you the failure as a communicator.
Do you know how to make a complete sentence? If you do, it doesn't show here.
Try not to be distracted by the grammar or spelling - the points made come across.
I don't believe N.C. was referring to the Media as an entity - but to the governing entity's use of media. Governing entity being federal, municipal, or corporate etc.
Any governing entity regardless of size and scope can employ any of these tactics to effect control over the population. Cults use the same techniques.
Thank you Paul Dufresne for your effort providing relevant info (that most grammar-complaining idiots will never even bother to click). Yes, it apparently seems to be a compilation taken here and there, from Chomsky's ideas sometimes, and from other sources as well. And very apparently not too well interpreted. There has been many translations of texts that seemingly were originally written in portuguese or french.
Thumbs up to all those who were "indulgent" with the poor language in order to understand / deduce the meaning: you are able to read anything with discernment thanks to your cultural and knowledge background as well as your good faith and will.
To the others who stopped short on the grammar and are ordering better translations to be able to understand, mostly I believe a particular kind of americans who think the whole world should be english speaking while they know nothing outside the border of their little towns, read more, you'll be able to understand better even if it's not spoon-fed.
Obviously an automatic translation and presumably the original language was Portugese. Ironic that so many people found the quality of English distracted them from the main points. Well, they tell us 50% of the population are functionally illiterate. A fair few of the above comments griping about the unintelligibility of the 10 points reinforce this fact. Coincidentally just prior to reading this blog post we at home were just discussing the strategy of how the spurious threat of mining in the most protected areas of New Zealand's National Parks was used to distract the liberals from the definite forthcoming event of huge scale fithy lignite mining on agricultural land in Southland.
To the Editor: PLEASE FIX THE GRAMMAR. I know you native speakers will detect the flaws while reading and in inuitivly getting the true meaning will not be confused. But consider the many foreigners, who may be reading this questioning their own ability to read english. Moreover the source is a scientist and philosopher who thinks that preciseness inlanguage does matter. Why handle his important ideas with slouchiness? Take the time to correct the mistakes. Take it seriously or let somebody else do the job.
The article uses one of the strategies described, it is written for children and gives us the idea that we are all so smart just because we read it!
1. I am distracted by your unreadable writing.
2. You've created a problem with your grammar. My reaction was confusion. My response is this comment post.
3. This blog entry gradually got worse as the page scrolled down.
4. It's obvious that you kept deferring your 4th grade English homework.
5. Your writing style made me feel like a 12 year old reading "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars."
6. I was emotionally distracted by my frustration at your massive syntactical errors, so I was unable to reflect on your actual message.
7. I sympathize with the bondage you have endured as a lower class citizen, forced to attend mediocre schools.
8. You seem quite fashionable...
9. Yes, you should blame yourself for what you have written here!
10. If "the system" understands you, there is hope for us! The system is as messed up as you are.
(Yes, I love Chomsky too. But try to show some respect for a great linguist by revising your first draft - at least once.)
Its called proofreading.
However, I like the ideas presented in this article. If things are not explained clearly then we need references.
I lost interest half way through it. Not very effective. I was hoping for specifics, not complicated theory in language the writer himself obviously doesn't use or he'd be able to spell it.
The atrocious grammar in this post is an affront to Chomsky - and your readers. PLEASE post Chomsky's OWN words - not this mishmash. (And do not repeat this kind of "translating" again!)
haha, it does get worse as your go down. Is it related to "poor education of masses" and inability to process larger pieces of information ? So then towards the end article can go ka-boom? Starting with #5 it went from "great material" to "who in the world wrote/edited it?" There are some good thoughts behind it, but please, put some effort into expressing it in a "more educated and older than 12 yrs old way"
Thank you for hiring a monkey as your copy editor. Primates need more jobs.
The action required to be on top and in control of others is a rare characteristic, done through natrual disposition and rarely any motive other than the natural motivational dipsosition itself.
Usually there exsists one bird like this in every flock, but sometimes two powerful birds from the same flock will jockey for front position, and natural politics begin.
Mister Ford created a car empire with passion, charisma, obsession, and most of all fearlessness; but NOT with knowledge. The leader of crusades have the same drive.
Can we change from being basic inert lazy individuals, to become crusaders, beside one another, and create a collective group of humans to control the Government? That is an oxymoron, a paradox; a huge cotradiction of what Government really is. It's hopeful, but unrealistic.
The illusion people have that the "people should be the Government" doesn't make sense, not in any species, and certainly not in humans where emotions play a stronger role.
Is my intelligence more powerful than my emotional disposition? Do you think that with realization of something (intelligence gained through my history, rationialization, hypothesising solutions, etc), I will somehow become fearless, obsessed and change my character altogether?
It's easy to realize that by spending more money, a plane can be made to fly safer and a bridge built to stand stronger. But as George Carlin once said: "Corporations (and Government) make marketing decisions by weighing the cost of being sued for your death against the cost of making the product (and infrastructure) safer; so when talking about murder in society, don't confine your conversations to individuals."
It is not 'distraction' in itself that evolved as a tactic to sway people. It is instead industrialization, pushed to extreme levels currently, that is responsible for the incredible number of options we have to 'do' things, with our jeeps and movie theaters and video games and concerts and internet and bars and billiard halls and travelling and eating out and eating in (any type of food you want) and television and newspaper reading, etc, etc, and the result of these options have helped to make people estranged from one another to the point where marriage and friendships are always changing, rarely lasting; and where the result of these options have also kept people busy enough to not do the obvious and help change our environment and ways of being. But this distraction is not a 'tactic', but rather an evolutionary change due to the creation of having so many options today compared to previous generations. How can progression be considered a 'tactic'?
If you need proof, read how many people criticized Noam's grammer and realize these people are simply trying to put themselves on top. It's an attempt to overcome the reality that they're just a cog in the system, full of fear and not crusading; needing the leaders to be in power because they are uncapable of 'real power over others' since it doesn't exist in their disposition.
Theodore Roosevelt once said: "It is not the critic who counts, nor the person person who points out how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deed could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whos face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotions, and who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who at the worst, at least falls while daring greatly; SO THAT HIS PLACE SHALL NEVER BE WITH THOSE COLD AND TIMID SOULS WHO KNOW NEITHER VICTORY NOR DEFEAT.
Was this translated from Cantonese by Google Translate, or what? It's illegible. I'm ashamed to have given you a hit over Chomsky's name, here. But you are the one who should be ashamed, not me!
Thank you for posting an easily read mediokroka strategy. I had no difficulty understanding it & am amazed how far greed is prepared to go, even during peace in a so called 'democracy' claiming to respect humanity. Everywhere there is a quick buck to be made at others' expense, the conniving bastards are there. They know by the time many work out what is really going on, they are too 'old' to do much about it. Hopefully this new means of 'free' communication helps change that, but I fear them monitoring & identifying all those who question as dissent!
Below is an archive that shows how some amateurs are trying to counter aviation rubbish.
It is crucial to publish real experiences as 'Our Ministers' are fed information from well lobbied 'Departments' already long corrupted by complex 'self interest regulation.' Aviation shows how arrogant it gets, while adversely effecting millions.
Its from here:
and here:
just stop reading and watching the news... move into an isolated spot and let politicial entities destroy the world!
Bad writing always makes me doubt the source, hence the content...
even after parsing through it its possible its analogous to believing the bible has events which are described as fullfillment of prophesy rather that the writers using the early bible as a blueprint for the later. The intentionality of the "elites" gives them too much credit. Many talk like the people are children because the speakers are like children and of course most people don't vote. Many of the actions of the state and powers have much simpler explanations.
It amazes me that the article is credited to Noam Chomsky yet has so many typos that I must question the intelligence of anyone who compliments it. How in the world can you honestly post anything positive when particular sections of it are absolutely illiterate?
That the Bilderberg Group was mentioned raises a red flag. It is a real organization but there is a lot of nutty conspiracy theories floating around about it. It is a secretive group that meets with influential people, but too attribute it raises serious doubts about the state of mind of the author. See the Wikipedia article on the group.
As noted, there are a lot of complaints about the bad grammar. I did see a link to a French version. If this article is a google or some other automated translation, it may explain the bad writing.
Now look how everyone got distracted by grammer. Touche'
It is shocking that no one in the past week noted that the article was actually written by Sylvain Timsit in French.
This article sounds like it was Google translated. If it wasn't, then the author made it come out as absolute gibberish. I couldn't follow the thinking.
And our implosion will only continue. These sure are interesting times to be alive, are they not?
Tom Degan
To clarify my comment above, the problem of false attribution in this article is independent of grammar/translation issues. Even allowing for the fact that the poster is not a native English speaker, these ideas are most definitely NOT those of Noam Chomsky.
Read his books. In translation (as long as it's an official, approved translation by a major publisher-- they certainly exist in Portuguese.)
It's totally acceptable to have your own ideas about media manipulation and quote whomever you want to support your argument-- but this article's title seems like Chomsky wrote this list and he DID NOT. Most of the items on this list are gross simplifications, distortions, or outright creations by the author.
Again, this is independent of the bizarre translations. I've taught English non-native speakers for years and am pretty good at determinig what people really mean when they mis-translate.
Although highly educated, Norm Chomsky is at one moment remarkably insightful then at times blind to simple truths. Our world is not controlled by political and economic elites anymore than the weather is controlled by the local news weatherman.
If the so called "Political and Economic Elites" are omnipotent how do you explain the development of the internet, the most revolutionary information tool in history? Do the "Elites" control my desire to look at the Huffington Post, or which articles in the Guardian I choose to read?
What Norm Chomsky (if he actually wrote this), doesn't want to accept is that ignorance and incompetence abounds at the highest levels of government, media, and economics. This is what leads us to war and economic disasters, not his monolithic elites. Be it the Viet Nam War, Watergate, our current recession, the Ford Pinto, or the invention of New Coke, a chain reaction of stupidity and miscalculations by leadership is the ultimate culprit. It's the only explanation for the vast and complex mess the world is in.
Norm Chomsky, you are your pointing finger at ghosts.
The English in this article is pretty bad!
Although attributed to Chomsky, it is important to note that, not only was he not the author, but this is a translation (and a very BAD one, at that) from FRENCH!!! Perhaps if one were to look at the original article and obtain a better translation, it might then be possible to get a better reading.
Well put-simply. Americans are waking up. ThXs for laying out the cards. The big rich gamblers need their asses whupped. This Wampuss Kitty is ready and spitting....
From the home of manipulatiom MIT
Reads like the inarticulate, un-educated ramblings of your stereotypical internet "Teenage Anarchist"...but it would seem from the source, that it is a translation from French. Which would explain both the bad grammar, and the pretension...
Please People; can we not credit our "superiors" with such an outlandishly developed intelligence and ability to control?! If we think them more capable and better than us, then they think so too. Governments, on the whole, consist of the reactionary, the short-sighted, the self-interested and the narcissistic. Don't feed their delusions...
As much of a Chomsky fan as I am, I can't any longer endure this over-broad, paranoia-tinged attack on a non-existent monolith. There is no such thing as "media" as a single entity. Especially in 2011. Ascribing motives and malice to "media" is like blaming highways for accidents.
/End quote
I wanted to post all of the holdings of News Corp. (CEO Rupert Murdoch) but the post wouldn't be able to hold it.So here is the link to Wikipedia :
The earliest example that I can find for this text is here
in French. There is no mention of Chomsky. And I am surprised that it is now all over the web and no-one is questioning its provenance. Chomsky might agree with some of it, but he never wrote it.
Thanks to all the people that were able to trace the text to its original source. I'm shocked to see how many times this poor translation has been copied and pasted on so many different sites.
I think this was translated verbatim, and although sometimes the translation is weak at best, I think we can all agree that we understand the message. It is time to rise and give the people back their power.
"no such thing as media as a single entity" well here in Australia our media is only controlled by two rich men. I'm pretty sure just a handful of dudes hold most of the UK and USA media outlets too. They are all investors/owners in other global corps which is why the media has an interest in promoting the agenda of the rich. It isn't even a conspiracy that's just how they think capitalism works - selling us stuff and making us work for the cheapest amount possible, and of course, getting a bigger slice of the pie for them and their friends.
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Few thoughts:
- nice summary for the 10. The writer is not a native English speaker, so stop picking on his grammar. I appreciate his posting this and starting a discussion. More people should be aware of this issue, or we'll end up in the matrix.
- control method not listed: "instill fear". Someone else maybe mentioned that earlier. This is probably the oldest one and always works. In the USA, it's fear of a million different things
- "divide and conquer". Invent "the different others", if necessary. Xenophobia rules. Usually politicians blame minorities viewed with suspicion. "We have to watch the muslims", kind of talk.
- "lie big"
- the masters of manipulation were the Nazis in '30s Germany and the Soviet-controlled communist governments (in Eastern Europe, the USSR, etc.) during the Cold War.
One can see the same techniques used over and over, even in the USA.
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This crap has NOT BEEN WRITTEN BY CHOMSKY. Please remove his name from it, he does not write such conspirational crap.
(Here him disavow authorship of this article here: )
Where can I buy or download the book "10 strategies of manipulation" ?
I agree that the English is a bit crappy, and that the article present some thought-provoking ideas...
But - for me - the main issue was using a famous author's name and photograph, trying to mislead the readers into thinking that this was a real "academic" article.
ıf I were Chomsky, I would be livid! ı wonder if he can sue?
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It really takes an observant clinician to see how {is that my phone?...thought I heard it in the sonic cloud of the office.} we are continuously mis directed by 'tricks of the trade'. The phone was to bring attention how commercials employ general ring tones in the back ground. When working for AP ...went to Atlanta to cover anticipated reaction to Rodney King. The Braves won that day, and the only visuals I sent were a jubilant crowd, ethnically mixed. On the news that night the voice over used visuals of Philadephia, I think. The voice over reported as what was didplayed that the whole country was rioting, and named Atlanta during the above display. My guy explained that my shots were deleted by a National level mamber of AP. NOW..I warn all of you, stay away from MEGA CHURCHES . I worked for one of the top three, and silent sound was being used. Politically. Remember it was this church that got 4,000 of America's TOP MINISTERS and bussiness people to watch Rev. Bill Hybels broadcast an exclusive interview with Bill Clinton. After an hour of heglectic dialect, Hybels asked Clinton to stand with him on stage, and admit he had 'sinned' {non specific}.
Then Hybels reminded all of the preachers about "casting the first stone". "We can forgive Mr. Clinton, can't we?"
That started some applause, which grew into a standing ovation. ONLY GOD can forgive. But that was leaked, and got enough play globally to put it into the sub conscious. Overwhelmingly, our ministers absolved Clinton. He's still powerful as I write this. Now O'bama and Ofsteen are selling a religiously approved One World.
Sorry, but this 10 Strategies are not from Chomsky
Original in FR
German Version
or als Broshure
Maybe it's unreadable because some of you are semi-illiterate. Yet you still have the nerve to try and correct grammar. Re the message: no conspiracy is needed when you have converging interests.
I am an ESL/EFL tutor. The writer is not a native speaker, as is clearly indicated by the sentence structure and word choices. Although this is the case, the information is still valid. I had a discussion with someone several years ago about the same thing. The strategies of distraction and complacency/mediocrity are huge. The media seems to be more concerned with who Rihanna is dating and what Lindsey Lohan is doing than with what is happening in our country and world. Real news. Real issues. Mediocrity - How about Snooki, Kardashian, and Honey Boo Boo? Why is this entertainment? And, just when I think that these things have reached their lowest, producers always surprise me. These days, the less of that nonsense that we watch, the better off we'll be. So, even with the language problems, I congratulate the blogger on this post. Well done!
like there is anything that marks did not come up with earlier
So real!
Reads like a piece of shit.. If you could read back what you've written before you excitedly press publish it might make what you've said more accessible. Also you've kinda missed the point of a lot of Chomsky's point and ended up repeating yourself as a result.
Problem-Reaction-Solution is David 'Lizards run the world' Icke. Chomsky did not compile this list you just made that bit up. I don't disagree with most of what you said but don't make up nonsense to support it. To anonymous, yes I can cite things the media don't cover, left political view points for example (proper left, not left of centre) I never ever see anarchists or far left socialists on the media. Sometimes the odd film gets into the listings but they're shown at an absurd time of day, like 1 am when the vast majority are tucked up in bed, or they're put on an obscure TV channel. Not to mention the complete downplaying of the impending environmental catastrophe and yet the media sing the praises of fracking.
The grammar and language is terrible, could barely make out the meaning of some sentences..
Dude is clearly Italian. This is evidenced by the his
a) not getting a native EN proofreader.
b) holding a 1970s worldview whereby "The State" must support "the proletariat."
So I went to the original article, which is written in French, which I understand a little. It appears to have been translated by Google and then reproduced here, without evidence of thought as to whether the translation was faithful to the original. All of the comments about grammar are correct owing to the sloppiness of the translation.
It's a shame that some skilled Francophile cannot render the original more accurately.
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How many of you would agree to an 11th strategy of "The instilling of blind(or indeed the more powerful version; ill-informed, partially-sighted) patriotism".
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welcome to the fun house of illusions, your television. The robot programmer. check out the wasteland speech that was given by Federal Communications Commission chairman Newton Minow to the convention of the National Association of Broadcasters on May 9'1961. This was only 54 years ago. This might ring a bell.
This article is fair good, but it was not written by mr. Chomsky, as he stated here:
Thank you for such wonderful and interesting article.
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This is so cool and insightful! You really had done your homework to come up with this! It has answered most of my questions!
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Your inability to make any sense with your writing is a distraction tactic. No time for proofreading huh?
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Na I agree apart from bla bla bla, very good post we need to spread awareness of the war that is being waged on our minds and our spirits.
wawe ..Great article and thnakx for share with us
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The phrase "human spirit" refers to a person's way of thinking. We are not spirits. We are physical beings, not spirit creatures. So, you are being redundant; a war waged on our minds by sodomites, for example, IS a,war waged on our spirits. On our godky way of thinking sodomites have and will be destroyed by God.
Democracy is in itself stupid. It's stupid to allow the average citizen to have a say regarding which direction our society should go. The average US adult is in fact stupid and ignorant, and BTW, obese.
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Arguments about this articles grammar are an excellent distraction indeed.
Substance over form pls: the key ideas are here (ill translated or not) & can be grasped by the READERS; then there are others that are simple PROOF-READERS and all they can comment is 'typo here, typo there'
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Hello Everybody,
My name is Mrs Sharon Sim. I live in Singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of S$250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of S$250,000.00 SG. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact Dr Purva Pius,via email:( Thank you.
1. Name Of Applicant in Full:……..
2. Telephone Numbers:……….
3. Address and Location:…….
4. Amount in request………..
5. Repayment Period:………..
6. Purpose Of Loan………….
7. country…………………
8. phone…………………..
9. occupation………………
11.Monthly Income…………..
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?Nancy Leonard
A book called "Behold A Pale Horse" by William Cooper
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